首先祝賀12年級的同學們和家長們,今天是瑞得福首屆高中生畢業(yè)的日子,對于你們來說是一個“big day”,是個歡樂的日子,是屬于你們的一天!
從給孩子們選擇學校起,我們認識了很多很有學識的家長朋友,我們一起交流孩子的教育問題,像小博(Berton)媽媽、泓洋( Vincent)媽媽、陳諾( Alan)媽媽等,尤其是我們的家長會的會長齊爸爸(Billy),他給了我們很多的升學指導。教育從來不只有學校,還需要家長一起努力。
這些有趣的作業(yè)正是那些有趣的老師們布置的,這里我們還要感謝這些可愛的老師們,Dr.Lee Carrol,Dr.Steve Hudson,Dr.Tim Allen,Mrs.Tippetts,Mr. Leland,Mr.Ruch,Mr.Miller,Mr.George....還有很多.
Good morning! Mrs. Mona Zhang, Mr. Leland Anderson, parents, students, teachers, and broad members. Today is a big day for all 12th graders as all of you will finally graduate from high school!I’m Evan’s dad. This is my first time, and It is an honor to be invited as a parent speaker. I am thrilled to share this speech to all of you.
It would be nice if this speech ends up like those speeches that Steve Jobs or JK Rowling delivered at Stanford or Harvard.
Time flies. I was just as most of the parents were four years ago, hesitating among different paths that will give my child a completely different future. We had the fortune to choose RDFIS. This school has excellent staff members, well organized classes, and great learning and living environment. In my eye, this school has grown stronger to full fill its dream of becoming the best International school in Southern China!
From the beginning of this incredible 4-years journey, we have come to connect with some great parents along the way. Parents like Berton’s mom, Vincent’s mom, Alan’s mom, and Billy’s dad who is currently head of parent committee. These parents and more others shared and discuss valuable ideas with us. Education is never just the school. It also needs the ideas from parents.
I have grown over the fouryears with Evan and his mom. We feelgrateful to have chosen this path. If there is a type of education that teaches people to rival each other, there is another type thatencourages self-challenging, developing interests, and encourage freedom of thinking and creativity. If there is a type of education that exists only for tests, there is another type that cultivates independent personalities, corporation, and social responsibilities.
I enjoyed the discussion with Evan about his different assignments over the four years. We talked about his homework topics such as “Newspaper from Victoria time”, “Designing an experimental study”, “researching for a good leader”, “Write a constitution”, “which ancient civilization creates most impact to the world today.”, “illegally protecting legal rights”, “build a robot”, and more. These discussionsare also a challenge of a father’s knowledge.
And of course, Evandoes all his workson his own eventually,because we don’t sometimesend up with an agreement.
Through the discussion with Evan about these interesting topics, I also had a chance to know some great teachers at RDF. Like Dr.Lee Carrol,Dr.Steve Hudson,Dr.Tim Allen,Mrs.Tippetts,Mr. Leland,Mr.Ruch,Mr.Miller,Mr.George… and more.
I would also like to give my appreciation to Evan’s Homeroom teachers Mrs. Remy, Mr. Rain, and Ms. Apple. I believe that all homeroom teachers here truly care about students. And they have also become a good friend of those students, or even as brothers and sisters. They are responsible for student living, connect our parents to the school, and they record the growth of theirstudent.
There is an old Chinese saying: “ One day as teacher, life-long father”,I wish all the students feel grateful for their teachers. There is another old saying: “桃李滿天下”which means that the gardeners (as teachers) will have theirpeaches and apples (as students) all over the world. I wish all the teachers to gain such accomplishments.
All graduating students! Today is all about you. I give you my biggest congratulation as all of you have done better than you parents were at your age. I understand that these 4 years are not easy foryou. You spent so much effort to learn concepts that US students already know. It is not easy for you to learn another language in just 4 years. You have traveled long distance, sacrificing times and money for SATs. You did a lot to get yourself used to the academic environment at US. Every research paper needs tons of reference collection and some serious formatting. This is also what keeps you awake during late nights.
Luckily, all of you did it! After all these hardships in learning, you have earned your reward. I am very happy to hear from Evan about how exciting he is to understand English searchengines. The world is opening up in front of him.You have become the great combination of two languages and various cultures. You begin to think from a different perspective.
Students, high school graduation marks a major turning point in your life. This means that you are mature enough to face the society alone. Maybe you are going to a place to experience something that your parents never experienced before. So, Are you ready?
Speaking of what I proud most about my child’s high school life. I would say that It is not his GPA, nor scholarships or college offers. It ishisexperience during First Robotics Competition. I am happy because he and his team experienced success, failure, accidents. All those ups and downs is what you all will be experiencing in life. You all learn inmistakes. And I hope that you will experience more failure while you are still young, that means more growth for you!
Anything is incomparable to what you willget out of failure.
At this point in time, I think that you should have prepared to step into this bigger world. Even though the world may not be what you wished, you can still make the most out of it. It is you that finally accomplished yourself, not the university. Do you still remember what you write in your personal statement?That contains your value, attitude, and all that you believed in to get through tough times in your life.
There is still a long way to go. I once asked Dr. Carroll and she said that U.S. College is 20 times harder than highschool. I talked to Dr. Hudson too, he said that U.S. College is 3 times harder than high school. Now, May be Dr. Hudson is 6.6 times smarter than Dr. Carroll, butuniversity is definitely full of challenge. So,you will surely need a heathy living for that intense learning environment.
Not long ago there is China’s youth day at 4th of May. I talked to my colleague that the reason that this world keeps developing is that the younglings never listen to their parents. The world is becoming better because our next generation are fearless. I want to repeat here what I said to Evan at his 18th birthday:
Do not afraid, and never regret.
Again, I send my best wish to all the students who will soon begin the next chapter of their life.
Thank you for listening.
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