Congratulations to Emily Anderson (G12) who received and accepted an admission offer from Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah. Emily has a 4.0 unweighted GPA, scored 36 on the ACT (out of 36 possible), and was awarded BYU’s most prestigious scholarship, the Russell M. Nelson Presidential Scholarship. The scholarship provides Emily with a four-year, full tuition-and-a-half, scholarship. Congratulations, Emily!
恭喜深圳瑞得福學校12年級的美籍學生——Emily Anderson同學收到并接受了猶他州普羅沃市的楊百翰大學(BYU)的錄取通知。進入楊百翰大學學習是Anderson家族的傳統(tǒng)和首選項。Emily的未加權(quán)GPA(平均績點)是4.0,在ACT(美國大學入學考試)上得分為36(36分制),并獲得了楊百翰大學最負盛名的獎學金——羅素·M·納爾遜會長獎學金。該獎學金為Emily提供了為期四年的全額學費減免,外加給予每年半額書本費、生活費津貼。祝賀Emily!
Incidentally, BYU’s top academic scholarship is named for Russell M. Nelson, who speaks Mandarin and has been recognized as an “Old Friend of China” for his work to introduce open-heart surgery to China through Shandong University School of Medicine in Jinan, Shandong, China, where he taught open-heart surgery and performed operations in the 1980s.
順便說一句,楊百翰大學的最高學術(shù)獎學金以羅素·M·納爾遜(Russell M. Nelson)來命名的。納爾遜先生能講中文,還被公認為“中國的老朋友”,因為他曾通過濟南的山東大學醫(yī)學院向中國引進了心臟直視手術(shù)。這是上世紀80年代的事情了,他曾在這里親自主刀并且向?qū)W生傳授了心臟直視手術(shù)。
Heritage Halls,Emily大學期間將會居住于此
At present, Emily wants to major in Mathematics Education, and earn a minor in Chinese language or Asian Studies. She says, “Professionally, a major in math education will enable me to work anywhere in the world. I want to become an excellent math teacher who helps students feel the satisfaction and joy that comes from solving difficult problems. When I moved to China, I was blessed to meet teachers who planted a love of math in me. RDF’s math program was fast-paced and challenging, but as I wrestled with math concepts and eventually mastered them, I was able to help my friends and siblings with their math. I realized that I not only love math, but I also enjoy helping others understand math. I will teach my students that one formula for success in math is persistence in asking questions and diligence in practice.” Congratulations, and best wishes, Emily!
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